4th Friday 6Pack: Rachel Boillot (’14)

Welcome to the fourth installment of MFA|EDA’s 4th Friday Alumni 6Pack. We are happy to continue the new custom with the intrepid Rachel Boillot, from the Class of 2014. Take it away, RB: 1. Home, Away from Home, and Home Again I recently spent several months recovering from a minor surgery in my childhood home in… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Rachel Boillot (’14)

MFA|EDA Salon 2018-19 Screening Series

The MFA|EDA free Sunday screening tradition continues this year with monthly shows curated by MFA|EDA second-year students. This year we are also pleased to join Screen/Society as fellow presenters lighting up the screen at the Rubenstein Arts Center Film Theater. Program notes are updated as show dates approach, and can be found at mfaedasalon.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~… Continue reading MFA|EDA Salon 2018-19 Screening Series

4th Friday 6Pack: Lexi Bass (’18)

Welcome to the third installment of MFA|EDA’s 4th Friday Alumni 6Pack. We are pleased to continue the new custom with a communiqué from Lexi Bass, from the Class of 2018. Away we go:     1. Homecoming What was nostalgic about experiencing Cardboard Computer’s Kentucky Route Zero was how they captured the experience of highway driving… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Lexi Bass (’18)

MFA|EDA Jason Sudak (’17) Awarded 2018 Cassilhaus Fellowship

The Cassilhaus Travel Fellowship, made possible through a partnership between Cassilhaus, the Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts (MFA|EDA), and the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, was created with the idea that travel can be transformative in the life of an emerging artist. The biennial $10,000 fellowship, funded by Ellen Cassilly and Frank Konhaus of Cassilhaus, supports recent Duke University MFA|EDA graduates… Continue reading MFA|EDA Jason Sudak (’17) Awarded 2018 Cassilhaus Fellowship

4th Friday 6Pack: MFA|EDA Talena Sanders (’13)

Welcome to the second installment of MFA|EDA’s 4th Friday Alumni 6Pack. We are pleased to continue the new custom with the inimitable Talena Sanders, from the inaugural Class of 2013.   1. Interloping To thrust oneself into the affairs of others. I am here (right now, in Mexico) from elsewhere, and I am around all the… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: MFA|EDA Talena Sanders (’13)

Sarah Riazati (’19) Awarded Princess Grace Film Scholarship

We are pleased and proud to share the news that MFA|EDA graduate student Sarah Riazati (’19), has been awarded the Princess Grace Foundation’s 2018 John H. Johnson award to fund her feature film thesis project. Princess Grace Foundation 2018 Award Winners Princess Grace Foundation Press Release Meet Sarah here Congratulations Sarah!

4th Friday 6Pack: Laurids Andersen Sonne (’18)

Welcome to the MFA|EDA’s inaugural 4th Friday Alumni 6Pack. We are pleased to kick off the new custom with Laurids Andersen Sonne, from the recently-graduated Class of 2018. Away we go: 1. Merlin bird ID Lately I have found myself on walk-abouts with friends out in nature with binoculars hanging around my neck and Merlin bird ID… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Laurids Andersen Sonne (’18)

Introducing the MFA|EDA Class of 2020

Please join us in welcoming the incoming Class of 2020 cohort of Duke University’s MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts.   Fati Abubakar Fati Abubakar is a documentary photographer, photojournalist, and public health worker from Nigeria, born and raised in Maiduguri, Borno State. She has a Bachelors degree in Nursing and a Masters degree in… Continue reading Introducing the MFA|EDA Class of 2020

2018 Cassilhaus Travel Fellowship Call for MFA|EDA Alumni

2018 CASSILHAUS TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS   How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller   ~~~~ The Duke University Masters of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts program (MFA|EDA) and the Center for Documentary Studies (CDS) are pleased to announce the Call… Continue reading 2018 Cassilhaus Travel Fellowship Call for MFA|EDA Alumni

Cassilhaus Travel Fellowship Presentation: Alina Taalman, May 4

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. Martin Buber _________________________________ Please join us for the inaugural Cassilhaus Travel Fellowship presentation, featuring the work-in-progress of 2016 Cassilhaus Travel Fellow Alina Taalman, May 4, 6:00pm at the Full Frame Theater in downtown Durham. The work, entitled Kolmas Punkt, (The Third Point), Taalman says,… Continue reading Cassilhaus Travel Fellowship Presentation: Alina Taalman, May 4