MFA|EDA Screening: Bad at Geography with Bill Brown

Please join us this Sunday as we welcome punk/zinester/educator/filmmaker Bill Brown back across the Durham-Chapel Hill boundary line. Bill will be here to present two films that disarmingly challenge American borders, real and imagined. Sun, Nov 20 6:00pm @ Unexposed Microcinema 105 Hood St / Suite 5 __________________________________________ Program: The Other Side (2006, 40 min,… Continue reading MFA|EDA Screening: Bad at Geography with Bill Brown

MFA|EDA Films in AMI Film Festival

MFA|EDA Class of 2014 students John Rash and Kristin Bedford are participating in the upcoming AMI STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL. Hope to see you there – don’t miss it. Tuesday, September 3, 7pm-8pm at Griffith Film Theater. John Rash:  CITY RIDE Kristin Bedford:  A SMALL SYMPHONY