A sunken feeling seemed to emanate out of my prostrate body and circle the whole bedroom, swooping up the venetian blinds and waltzing into the spider web-claimed corners of the ceiling. My mind was painfully erect, as if it had been mickeyed with an industrial over-strength of Viagra. I couldn’t stop thinking and I was… Continue reading Philip Brubaker: “Existential Crisis”
Tag: Philip Brubaker
Happy Thanksgiving, Errol Morris
Philip Brubaker ’13 and friend muse about and give thanks for the works of Errol Morris on their podcast, Albatross Applesauce: And the man himself muses about his work, “The Umbrella Man” in a NY Times Op-Doc this week:
Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts Fall 2011 Inaugural Class
The Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts at Duke University brings together two forms of artistic activity—the documentary approach and experimental production in analog, digital, and computational media—in a unique program that will foster collaborations across disciplines and media as it trains sophisticated, creative art practitioners. Successful completion of the program requires… Continue reading Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts Fall 2011 Inaugural Class