Dispatches from near and far: Runa A (Class of 2014) ● Works for the United Nations Department of Public Information, UNTV, as a video editor, completing works such as Saving Pacific’s Tuna, #Climate2014 Questions, and United Nation Interns. ● Worked for the 69th General Assembly of the UN as a liaison between the UN Media Accreditation and Liaison… Continue reading MFA|EDA Student & Alumni News: Winter 2015 Playlist
Tag: Playlist
MFA|EDA Alumni News: Upcoming Film Festival Screenings
Congratulations to MFA|EDA alumni Marika Borgeson, Talena Sanders and Lisa McCarty on their upcoming spring film festival exhibitions: ————————————————— Talena Sanders (MFA|EDA ’13) LIAHONA Counterpath Press March 9, 7:00pm ————————————————— Marika Borgeson (MFA|EDA ’13) ELEVEN FORTY SEVEN Ann Arbor Film Festival March 30 ————————————————— Lisa McCarty (MFA|EDA ’13) EVERY FILTER IN FINAL CUT PRO Chicago… Continue reading MFA|EDA Alumni News: Upcoming Film Festival Screenings
MFA|EDA at the 51st New York Film Festival, Sept 27-Oct 13
Duke University’s MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts program is proud to announce MFA|EDA student, alumni, faculty and visiting artist participation at the 51st Annual New York Film Festival. MFA|EDA students and alumni presenting work are: Marika Borgeson, Erin Espelie, Lisa McCarty and Talena Sanders. In addition, Duke AMI’s Associate Director & Instructor Josh Gibson and Visiting Artist… Continue reading MFA|EDA at the 51st New York Film Festival, Sept 27-Oct 13