MAY 29–AUGUST 22, 2015
Accepting photographs through August 22, 2015.
Submit early for more chances to selected by our guest curators.
Please see full details below
Upcoming dates to note. Please check back often as events are added:
May 26, 2015 – Notifications will go out via email to photographers
May 26, 2015 – Printing begins. See below for live stream, or click here
May 29, 2015 – Gallery opens for normal business hours with Phone Home Durham
August 21, 2015 – Closing reception
Thank you to our guest curators:
Alexa Dilworth – selection on view May 29–June 20, 2015
Jeremy M. Lange – selection on view June 23–July 11, 2015
Aaron Canipe – selection on view July 14–August 1, 2015
Jim Lee – selection on view August 4–August 22, 2015
Printer Watch
Live streaming video by Ustream
Over the last decade, mobile phone photography has become the most pervasive photographic activity the world over. The mobile phone camera has become the snapshot camera of the 21st century, allowing anyone with a phone to possess both a camera and photo archive in their pocket. For this exhibition the Power Plant Gallery invites mobile phone photographers from all walks of life to submit images of Durham County taken with mobile phone cameras or other hand held devices.
With support from Museo Digital Fine Art Media, a select number of photographs from the open call will be printed for exhibition at the Power Plant Gallery, opening May 29, 2015. Subsequently all photographs chosen for printing will be added to the Archive of Documentary Arts at the Rubenstein Library at Duke University.
Through this performance the digital converts to the material — from an image living in the world of the virtual to being something that can hang on a wall, rest in a box, live as a print and become historical record.
Photographs submitted prior to the initial deadline will be considered for the full exhibition cycle. However the gallery will continue to accept submissions throughout the exhibition for the ‘rotating wall’ with new photographs every three weeks.
- The photograph must be taken inside the limits of Durham County. The photographer need not be a resident.
- All qualities of phone/digital hand device are accepted – from the flip phone, to the smartphone, to the tablet
- Limit 5 photographs per person
- Provide as much information on the photograph as possible, including date, address or coordinates and any description information
- Please include your first and last name, and phone number where you can be reached
- Initial Deadline: May 1, 2015 (to be considered for the full exhibition. Submissions will be accept until August 22)
- Send your largest file size to:
- –Email or text:
- –In person: During gallery hours staff will be on hand to assist you in downloading your images from your device. Please call ahead to confirm we are open: 919-660-3622
- –Snail Mail for a DVD or CD:
Power Plant Gallery
C/O Center for Documentary Studies
1317 Pettigrew St.
Durham, NC 27705
Contact: Please email us at with any questions.Phone Home Durham is possible with generous sponsorship from: