Friday January 17 INVISIBLE to perform new audio performance installation TIME CONSTRAINTS at Duke FHI Audiovisualities Lab 3:00-4:00pm: Artist talk and reception @ FHI Garage, Smith Warehouse Bay 4 7:00-8:30pm: Performance of TIME CONSTRAINTS @ Nelson Music Room, East Duke Building INVISIBLE is a sound art performance project featuring sculptural sound making devices invented by Mark… Continue reading FHI Audiovisualities Lab and John Rash (’14) present INVISIBLE
Category: Multimedia
MFA|EDA Works-In-Progress Presentations Dec. 10 & 11
Duke’s first MFA program—in Experimental and Documentary Arts—invites the public to screenings of the documentary works-in-progress of the fifteen students from the class of 2015. The students are all enrolled in the first year Documentary Fieldwork seminar taught by Alex Harris. Five students will present their work on Tuesday, December 10, and nine students will… Continue reading MFA|EDA Works-In-Progress Presentations Dec. 10 & 11
MFA|EDA Students Screening in AV Lab’s ‘Vistas and Vestiges’
The Audiovisualities Lab will feature works-in-progress by MFA|EDA students John Rash, Jing Niu, and Jonna McKone. Vistas and Vestiges: Audiovisual Travels Through Place and Time (works in progress) Thursday, December 5, 6 p.m. Smith Warehouse, Bay 4 Afterwards there will be a reception of food and drinks in tandem with a general showcase of other lab projects* —————————————————————— Yangtze Drift by John Rash:… Continue reading MFA|EDA Students Screening in AV Lab’s ‘Vistas and Vestiges’
MFA|EDA Anna Kipervaser Curates “in2” November 22
in2: international independent short films + videos Friday, Nov 22 6:30pm-9:30pm Full Frame Theater – American Tobacco Power Plant Curated by MFA|EDA Anna Kipervaser (Class of 2015) Sponsored by GPSC This event is intended to bring together international creatives/creators and inspire conversations between their works, and between their works and new audiences. Works screening are… Continue reading MFA|EDA Anna Kipervaser Curates “in2” November 22
EVERYBODY STREET with MFA|EDA Visiting Artist Cheryl Dunn
Duke University’s MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts is proud to welcome MFA|EDA Visiting Artist Cheryl Dunn to campus and to Durham, November 19-21. Among class visits, critique sessions with MFA|EDA students and other events, the acclaimed photographer will screen her street photography documentary, EVERYBODY STREET, Wednesday, November 20 at 7:00pm. The screening is free… Continue reading EVERYBODY STREET with MFA|EDA Visiting Artist Cheryl Dunn
In Practice: Work by Duke Arts Faculty – Power Plant Gallery On Exhibit Now Through Dec 13
Via CDS Porch: The Power Plant Gallery at American Tobacco Campus is pleased to present In Practice: Work by Duke Arts Faculty, opening October 4. The exhibit includes works in a wide range of media—photography, film and video, printmaking, new media—by seventeen Duke faculty members and instructors from three arts units at the university: the Center for Documentary Studies (CDS), the Department… Continue reading In Practice: Work by Duke Arts Faculty – Power Plant Gallery On Exhibit Now Through Dec 13
MFA|EDA at the 51st New York Film Festival, Sept 27-Oct 13
Duke University’s MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts program is proud to announce MFA|EDA student, alumni, faculty and visiting artist participation at the 51st Annual New York Film Festival. MFA|EDA students and alumni presenting work are: Marika Borgeson, Erin Espelie, Lisa McCarty and Talena Sanders. In addition, Duke AMI’s Associate Director & Instructor Josh Gibson and Visiting Artist… Continue reading MFA|EDA at the 51st New York Film Festival, Sept 27-Oct 13
MFAEDA 2013: The Inaugural Thesis Exhibition Opens on Friday, 3/22!
MFA|EDA 2013, the inaugural thesis exhibition of the MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts at Duke will kick off Friday, March 22 from 5-10pm in the newly renovated Power Plant building at the American Tobacco Campus in downtown Durham. The event will begin with an opening reception in the Power Plant Gallery from 5-7pm,… Continue reading MFAEDA 2013: The Inaugural Thesis Exhibition Opens on Friday, 3/22!
“48 Hours in Las Vegas” MFAEDA Student Exhibition on view through February 17
In the spring of 2012, twelve students in Duke University’s MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts program flew to Las Vegas for a crash art project sponsored by Their mission: seek, capture, and record the infamous Sin City, in two days. The result: 48 Hours in Las Vegas. The Triangle area’s Independent Weekly describes the exhibition as “work that teases… Continue reading “48 Hours in Las Vegas” MFAEDA Student Exhibition on view through February 17
SYNTHESIA: Kristin Bedford bridges the gap between sight and sound
In December 2012, MFAEDA student Kristin Bedford collaborated with the Wet Ink Ensemble and the Duke University Department of Music to create “Synthesia,” a multimedia piece that aimed to combine photography with the experience of listening. For the project, Bedford photographed musicians from the Wet Ink Ensemble when they performed Ken Stewart’s score “Make It Opaque”… Continue reading SYNTHESIA: Kristin Bedford bridges the gap between sight and sound