MFA|EDA Students Screening in AV Lab’s ‘Vistas and Vestiges’

The Audiovisualities Lab will feature works-in-progress by MFA|EDA students John Rash, Jing Niu, and Jonna McKone. Vistas and Vestiges: Audiovisual Travels Through Place and Time (works in progress) Thursday, December 5, 6 p.m. Smith Warehouse, Bay 4 Afterwards there will be a reception of food and drinks in tandem with a general showcase of other lab projects* —————————————————————— Yangtze Drift by John Rash:… Continue reading MFA|EDA Students Screening in AV Lab’s ‘Vistas and Vestiges’

Presentation of MFA Student Works-in-Progress, 12/13

Duke’s first MFA program invites the public to showings of the documentary works-in-progress of the fifteen students from the inaugural class. The students are all enrolled in the first year Documentary Fieldwork seminar taught by Alex Harris. The work of three students—Philip Brubaker, Wolfgang Hastert, and Jolene Mok was shown on Tuesday, December 6 (see end… Continue reading Presentation of MFA Student Works-in-Progress, 12/13