4th Friday 6Pack: Aaron Canipe (’15)

November’s 4th Friday Alumni post is from ruminative friend Aaron Canipe, from the MFA|EDA class of 2015. Take it away, AC:   It could be the holiday season now upon us, the clear sun that falls through the treetops, or the lack of sleep from a rambunctious and curious baby, but this six-pack centers around… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Aaron Canipe (’15)

4th Friday 6Pack: libi rose striegl (’15)

October’s 4th Friday Alumni post is from the inimitable libi rose striegl, from the MFA|EDA class of 2015. Great hearing from you, doc.   1. HistoryNot all of it. Just the small bits that i deal with on the day to day, working at the Media Archaeology Lab. And not really history itself, per se,… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: libi rose striegl (’15)

4th Friday 6Pack: Dani Smith (’19)

September’s 4th Friday Alumni post is from Dani Smith, from the class of 2019. Great to hear from you Dani, take it away….   1. Cat ShitI realized in Spring that this year was going to be unlike any year we had experienced. I found myself searching for some sort of normalcy after I began… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Dani Smith (’19)

4th Friday 6Pack: Danny Kim (’18)

This month’s 4th Friday Alumni post is from Danny Kim, from the class of 2018. Take it away, Danny:   1.Since I graduated from MFAEDA program in 2018 a lot of changes happened in my life. From Durham to California I took a 15-day road trip to cross off my bucket list. In that long journey, I… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Danny Kim (’18)

Introducing the MFA|EDA Class of 2022

Please join us in welcoming the incoming Class of 2022 cohort of Duke University MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts. Emma GeigerEmma Geiger was born in Maryland and raised in Hopkinton, New Hampshire.  In 2017 she graduated from St. Lawrence University with a degree in Creative Writing and in 2018 she studied film and photography at the… Continue reading Introducing the MFA|EDA Class of 2022

4th Friday 6Pack: Sarah Elizabeth Borst-Buckner (’17)

“What do I want to lead with?” I ask myself as I prepare to write, to share, to open, to be with you here, dear reader & precious soul. In this breath & in this moment. & it is, my intention always,  to speak directly to your soul. I took this assignment to heart… For… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Sarah Elizabeth Borst-Buckner (’17)

4th Friday 6Pack: EB Landesberg (’13)

Here’s the latest MFA|EDA 4th Alumni 6Pack, brought to you by EB Landesberg from the inaugural and pioneering Class of 2013. Take it away, EB.   1 Over the past six years, I’ve developed something of an itinerant lifestyle. From a home base that has moved from Durham to Montreal, and now to Oxford, England, my… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: EB Landesberg (’13)

4th Friday 6Pack: Jeremy M. Lange (’18)

Welcome to the latest installment of MFA|EDA’s 4th Friday Alumni 6Pack. This month’s dispatch is from Jeremy M. Lange from the Class of 2018. Here we go. 1. Running I have never learned to love it, as a friend told me I would when was recovering from knee surgery, but I have learned to appreciate the morning efforts, especially… Continue reading 4th Friday 6Pack: Jeremy M. Lange (’18)

MFA|EDA Spring Thesis Exhibition – Postponed to Fall 2020

In keeping with Duke University’s COVID-19 plan which includes instituting a series of social distancing practices to protect the health and continuity of the community, the public events, performances, and screenings for the MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts Spring Thesis Exhibition have been postponed to the Fall 2020 semester. Updated information and schedule details… Continue reading MFA|EDA Spring Thesis Exhibition – Postponed to Fall 2020

MFA|EDA Bragdeck 2019 Year In Review

Check out this year’s MFA|EDA laurels + screenings + exhibits + more: Bree von Bradsky (’21) screens “The Gobi Gallop” at the Equus Film Festival December 6, in Lexington, Kentucky Fati Abubakar (’20) in the Duke Chronicle, Foto Femme United, and the Looking Glass Collective. Rachel Jessen (’18) #girlwrestle photographs in the November 24 Sunday… Continue reading MFA|EDA Bragdeck 2019 Year In Review