Via Behold – Slate’s Photoblog: Images of African-American religious gatherings are often be characterized by a certain feverish, ecstatic energy. Photographer Kristin Bedford was interested in documenting a different vision of worship. When she moved to North Carolina to pursue her MFA in experimental and documentary arts at Duke University, Bedford embedded herself in the congregation of… Continue reading “Be Still” by MFA|EDA Kristin Bedford (’14) in ‘Slate’
Tag: Kristin Bedford
“Be Still: A Storefront Church in Durham” Photographs by Kristin Bedford
Via CDS Porch: On Thursday, September 12, a reception for an exhibit of photographs by Kristin Bedford will be held on the Duke University campus, with remarks by MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts director Tom Rankin. Be Still: A Storefront Church in Durham features Bedford’s images of Apostolic Deliverance Rebirth Outreach Ministries in Durham, North Carolina. “On a Sunday in July 2012,… Continue reading “Be Still: A Storefront Church in Durham” Photographs by Kristin Bedford
MFA|EDA Films in AMI Film Festival
MFA|EDA Class of 2014 students John Rash and Kristin Bedford are participating in the upcoming AMI STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL. Hope to see you there – don’t miss it. Tuesday, September 3, 7pm-8pm at Griffith Film Theater. John Rash: CITY RIDE Kristin Bedford: A SMALL SYMPHONY
An Evening of Short Films with the Class of 2014
As MFA|EDA 2013 comes to a close, there will be an opportunity to see what the second class of MFAEDA students has been working on in their first semester. On Friday, April 19 at 7pm, Haikus and Other Mathematics will feature short films from the Duke MFAEDA Class of 2014, produced in conjunction with Josh Gibson’s course Experimental Film.
Winter Forum Artists Highlighted in Nicholas School News Post
In a recent Nicholas School news & events post, MFAEDA students Kristin Bedford, Caitlin M. Kelly and Jennifer Stratton were featured in relation to their participation as artists-in-residence at the 2013 Undergraduate Winter Forum. This year’s forum, “Blue Devils and the Deep Blue Sea: Can We Rescue the Oceans?” was held at the Duke University… Continue reading Winter Forum Artists Highlighted in Nicholas School News Post
Kristin Bedford’s “Field Notes, Durham Noir” Screens at ALICE FEST 2013
Directed by MFAEDA student Kristin Bedford, “Field Notes, Durham Noir” is a short film that explores the lonely spaces and interesting inhabitants that, in the dead of the night, pervade the part of NC-147 that passes through Durham. “Field Notes, Durham Noir” also features an original score by Dan Ruccia, a PhD candidate in Duke’s… Continue reading Kristin Bedford’s “Field Notes, Durham Noir” Screens at ALICE FEST 2013
The Deep Blue Sea Exhibition: Winter Forum Artists-in-Residence
Before the start of the 2013 spring semester, three MFAEDA students–Kristin Bedford, Caitlin Kelly and Jennifer Stratton–spent two and a half days in Beaufort, NC as artists-in-residence at Duke’s 2013 Winter Forum. The forum is a non-credit experience that brings together undergraduates, graduate/professional students, alumni and faculty to explore a single global issue from a… Continue reading The Deep Blue Sea Exhibition: Winter Forum Artists-in-Residence
MFAEDA China Film Tour: 米铝乘客
Current MFAEDA student John Rash presented two screenings while in China this January. 米铝乘客: A Collection of Experimental Documentary Films, also titled Lost Passenger, was shown on January 3 at Yugong Yishan in Beijing, and on January 9 at Eco & More Film Club in Shanghai. In addition to Rash’s own work, Lost Passenger featured films by… Continue reading MFAEDA China Film Tour: 米铝乘客
SYNTHESIA: Kristin Bedford bridges the gap between sight and sound
In December 2012, MFAEDA student Kristin Bedford collaborated with the Wet Ink Ensemble and the Duke University Department of Music to create “Synthesia,” a multimedia piece that aimed to combine photography with the experience of listening. For the project, Bedford photographed musicians from the Wet Ink Ensemble when they performed Ken Stewart’s score “Make It Opaque”… Continue reading SYNTHESIA: Kristin Bedford bridges the gap between sight and sound
Documentary Fieldwork Presentations: 12.5 and 12.6
The MFA Experimental and Documentary Arts invites the public to showings of the documentary works-in-progress of the fifteen students from the class of 2014. The students are all enrolled in the first year Documentary Fieldwork seminar taught by Alex Harris. Five students will present their work on Wednesday, December 5, and ten students will present… Continue reading Documentary Fieldwork Presentations: 12.5 and 12.6